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Tuesday 7 June 2011

Rome Attractions

Posted by Worldouristattractions On 03:35 No comments

  1. Trevi Fountain: who hasn't heard of the coins tossed into the fountain by travellers in the hope of returning there (remember Three Coins in the Fountain, Roman Holiday or La Dolce Vita?)
  2. The Colosseum: hardly needs any introduction, but to walk inside it and hear what happened there centuries ago will leave a lasting impression on you – as undoubtedly did Ridley Scott's Gladiator, supposedly set in this arena
  3. Circus Maximus: another magic place where chariot races were held in ancient Rome: this was where Charlton Heston fiercely competed with Stephen Boyd in the 1959 movie Ben-Hur!
  4. Bocca della Verità: a must for anyone interested in tales and traditions. Gregory Peck gave a terrible shock to Audrey Hepburn in the 1953 movie Roman Holiday by pretending that he had lost his hand inside the monument's mouth! Wouldn't you like to try?
  5. Giardino degli Aranci: few people get to see this lovely spot that is also famous because out of the keyhole of its gate (when it is closed) you can see St. Peter's Basilica focused in the distance
  6. "All roads lead to Rome". Actually, in antiquity all roads started from Rome to connect the city with its Empire. See the remains of the Miliarium Aureum, erected in the Roman Forum to mark the starting point of all Roman roads
  7. The Dome of St. Peter's Basilica: visit this magnificent church, a treasure trove of artistic masterpieces. But wouldn't you also love having a view of the whole of Rome from the church dome? There is an elevator waiting to take you up the top
  8. The Site of Caesar's murder. Envy and fear armed the murderers of Rome's most famous general and a brilliant statesman. But, contrary to common opinion, he was not killed in the Forum. Visit the site, still marked by a monument
  9. The climbing road where cars with their engines off go up rather than roll back : a unique phenomenon that no one has been able to explain. Would you care to check for yourself?
  10. The Catacombs: you should not miss an opportunity to visit these underground places where early Christians used to bury their dead and hold their meetings to escape persecutions

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